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Artwork of a Plazmite


Metroid Prime

Damages by

Thermal energy bursts

Threat Capacity


Natural Habitat(s)

Chozo Ruins

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Plazmites are insects native to Tallon IV. They are beetle-like in appearance and usually float through hallways in the Chozo Ruins.

Morphology[edit | edit source]

The Plazmite has a special ability to store and release thermal energy at will. Theese insects is attracted to heat sources, which they thrive on. They are also carnivorous, however, and fly up and down hallways searching for prey. If a Plazmite feels threatened, it will fly towards its enemy and release thermal energy bursts at it until the threat is dealt with.[1] This feeling is usually triggered by being hit by a Beam weapon or if one is fired near its zone of comfort. When destroyed, the areas they once lit up become dark.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime: Plazmite
First Location: Chozo Ruins - Totem Access
Logbook - Plazmite
Small insect capable of storing and releasing thermal energy. ​Plazmites are attracted to sources of heat,​ thriving on the energy present there.​ They emit light when hunting,​ and will expel small bursts of thermal energy when threatened.[1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Plazmites in action.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Though their name seems to be a portmanteau of "plasma" and "mite," Plazmites are more closely related to real-world fireflies.

References[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Small insect capable of storing and releasing thermal energy. ​Plazmites are attracted to sources of heat,​ thriving on the energy present there.​ They emit light when hunting,​ and will expel small bursts of thermal energy when threatened." — Logbook "Plazmite" (Metroid Prime)

Language Name Meaning
Japanses ターロンブリンカ Tallon Blinker 
Creatures from Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater