Root Tunnel

From Metroid Wiki

The Root Tunnel is a small cave in the Tallon Overworld. It connects the Root Cave with the Tallon Canyon. The center of the room is mostly filled with water, but there is a path on the side with a Bloodflower on it. Several Sap Sacs hang from the ceiling, and one end of the room has a large group of Tangle Weed on the floor. The entrance to the Root Cave is blocked by a Missile Door Lock.

Root Tunnel

Samus from one side of the Root Tunnel


Metroid Prime


Tallon Overworld

Connected Rooms

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Creature Number Encountered
Bloodflower 1  All visits  
Sap Sacs 5  All visits  
Tangle Weed  All visits  

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Language Name Meaning
Spanish Túnel de Raíz Root Tunnel
French Tunnel racine Root Tunnel
German Verbindungstunnel zur Wurzelschlucht Connection Tunnel to the Root Canyon 
Rooms in Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater