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Beam Ammo Expansion

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A Beam Ammo Expansion
A Beam Ammo Expansion

Beam Ammo Expansions are expansions that appear in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. They increase the amount of Light and Dark Beam Ammo Samus may hold by fifty units each. There are four in all, two in Aether and two in Dark Aether, allowing Samus to carry a maximum of 250 Light and Dark ammo. There is one expansion in each of the major areas of Aether.

Locations of Beam Ammo Expansions[edit | edit source]

Location Items needed Notes
Sky Temple Grounds - Profane Path Samus must use her Echo Visor and Annihilator Beam to unlock an Echo Key Beam System with 3 tone emitters and a sequence of four tones. After lowering the lock, the Expansion is in plain sight.
Agon Wastes - Central Mining Station Light Beam Samus must enter from the upper entrance to the east of the room, then enter one of the two Vigilance Class Turrets on the ledge. She must then shoot several power generators lying around the room to deactivate an energy shield nearby. She can then roll through a tunnel with her Morph Ball and access the Expansion.
Dark Torvus Bog - Cache A Seeker Launcher Samus must enter the Poisoned Bog from the direction of the Venomous Pond, unless she already possesses Power Bombs, and then reach a ledge on the southern side of the room. There she finds a Multi-Lock Blast Shield that she can break open with her Seeker Missiles, revealing the door to Cache A, where her prize awaits.
Sanctuary Fortress - Watch Station Spider Ball Samus must use a Kinetic Orb Cannon to reach a set of Spider Ball Tracks attached to the walls of the room. From there, she must follow the tracks until she can reach a tube leading to the Expansion.

Data[edit | edit source]

Inventory[edit | edit source]

"The Beam Ammo Expansion units increase the amount of Beam ammunition you can carry.
Samus's notes:
Each Beam Ammo Expansion increases the amount of Beam ammunition you can carry by 50 units. You can reload your Beam Weapons at Ammo Stations. Your gunship has this capability as well."[1]

Screen Data[edit | edit source]

Screen data from Metroid Prime
Maximum Dark and Light Beam Ammo capacity increased by 50.[2]

Scan Data[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime

Increases the amount of Light and Dark ammo you can carry.[3]

External Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. "The Beam Ammo Expansion units increase the amount of Beam ammunition you can carry. Samus's notes: Each Beam Ammo Expansion increases the amount of Beam ammunition you can carry by 50 units. You can reload your Beam Weapons at Ammo Stations. Your gunship has this capability as well." —Inventory Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "Maximum Dark and Light Beam Ammo capacity increased by 50." —Screen Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  3. "Increases the amount of Light and Dark ammo you can carry." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ビームアモタンク Beam Ammo Tank
Spanish Expansión del rayo Beam Expansion 
