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Carbon Dating

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Carbon Dating

Scan Data that mentions Carbon Dating


Metroid Prime



Item needed

Scan Visor


Used to determine age of objects

Carbon Dating, also known as Radiocarbon Dating, is a real-world method of determining the age of an object by measuring the radioactive decay of radiocarbon in the organic material of the object.

Samus Aran encounters collapsed pillars in the Chozo Ruins which her Scan Visor is unable to date using Carbon Dating techniques. The limitations of Carbon Dating suggest two possible reasons for the inability to date these pillars. One possibility is that they were simply too old; current carbon dating methods are thought to be accurate only up to 50,000 years, which may or may not apply to the methods used by Samus. Another possibility is that the impact of the meteor, laced with radioactive Phazon, prior to Samus's arrival, contaminated the ecosystem, rendering carbon dating methods ineffective.

Scan Data[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Pillars)
Located in: Chozo Ruins - Ruins Entrance

These pillars have collapsed from erosion. Carbon dating cannot determine the age of the structures.[1]

References[edit source]

  1. "These pillars have collapsed from erosion. Carbon dating cannot determine the age of the structures." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)