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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


Space Pirates

Threat Capacity



Hyper Beam[1] (only after Pirate attack on Norion)



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Crawltanks are Space Pirate battle drones used for ground combat. They resemble spider-like tanks that are about the size of Samus's Morph Ball. They are simple enemies that fire beams and can be destroyed with three simple hits from the Power Beam, two from the Plasma Beam, or one from the Nova Beam. The tanks can enter Hypermode and deal more damage and sustain many more attacks, but are still a relatively simple enemy.[1]

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: Crawltank
Crawltanks are mobile, ground-based defense drones, but are easily destroyed by standard weapon fire. They can be equipped with different cannons, including a Phazon Beam system. They are not built for sustained combat, and are better suited for light patrol and security roles.[1]

References[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Crawltanks are mobile, ground-based defense drones, but are easily destroyed by standard weapon fire. They can be equipped with different cannons, including a Phazon Beam system. They are not built for sustained combat, and are better suited for light patrol and security roles." — Logbook "Crawltank" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese クロールタンク Crawl Tank 
Ground TroopersAerotroopersZebesiansProject HelixSpace Pirate MachinerySpace Pirate VesselsSpace Pirate CreaturesHigh-Ranking Space Pirates

Galactic FederationBryyoSkyTownSpace PiratePhazonBoss