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Artwork of the Halfturret


Metroid Prime Hunters



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Alternate Form

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The Halfturret is Weavel's alternate form, made available to him thanks to cybernetic enhancements. In this form, Weavel's body detaches from its mechanical lower half and opens a turret to fire at his enemies.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from a Metroid Prime game: Halfturret
Cybernetic enhancements allow Weavel's body to detach from its mechanical lower half and convert into the Halfturret alt-form. The arms provide locomotion for the upper body, while the legs are equipped with powerful projectile weaponry.[1]

References[edit source]

  1. "Cybernetic enhancements allow Weavel's body to detach from its mechanical lower half and convert into the Halfturret alt-form. The arms provide locomotion for the upper body, while the legs are equipped with powerful projectile weaponry." — Logbook entry (Metroid Prime Hunters)