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Light Bomb

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Light Bomb


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Samus Aran

Located in


How to obtain



Light ammunition


Light energy

Light Bombs are an unused concept weapon from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Inventory descriptions for the weapon still exist in the game's textual data.[1][2]

A Light Bomb was planned to be a powerful combined weapon created by laying a Power Bomb while the Light Beam was equipped, releasing a mine infused with Light energy. It had a delayed detonation behavior, wherein it would only explode if an enemy entered its radius or another Light Bomb goes off. Like the Light Beam, Light Bombs were white hot and could set enemies on fire. They could also blind and stun dark creatures.

Dark Bombs and Annihilator Bombs were also planned, but eventually scrapped. These Power Bomb combinations were all ineffective against Denzium, making them useful only in combat situations.

References[edit source]

  1. "The Light Bomb combines the power of the Light Beam with that of the Power Bomb. When in Morph Ball mode, press [IMAGE] to select the Light Beam, then press [IMAGE] to drop a Light Bomb." —Unused Inventory Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "Samus's Notes:
    Light Bombs do not detonate on release. They explode when an enemy enters their detection radius, or when another Light Bomb goes off.
    Light Bomb explosions are white-hot, and can set enemies on fire.
    The brilliance of Light Bomb explosions can blind and stun dark creatures.
    The Light Bomb is not effective against Denzium.
    " —Unused Samus's Notes (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)