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Pulse Bombu

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Pulse Bombu
Pulse Bombu

A Pulse Bombu guarding a walkway


Metroid Prime

Damages by

Energy Bursts

Immune to

All other weapons

Threat Capacity


Natural Habitat(s)

Pulse Bombus are energy based creatures found on Tallon IV, being present in the Chozo Ruins, Phendrana Drifts, and an invisible variety in the Phazon Mines. They are similar to the Luminoth-built Harmony Class Drone and the Atomics found on Bryyo and the G.F.S. Valhalla. Pulse Bombus attack by releasing explosives bursts of electricity. If Samus uses the Charge Beam, they will come towards Samus until she fires it. Samus can only defeat them with the Wave Beam.[1] There is also a variant found in the Phazon Mines that is invisible to conventional visors and can only be seen with the X-Ray Visor.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime: Pulse Bombu
Life-​form of raw energy.​ Periodically releases explosive segments from its body.​ ​Pulse Bombus are energy beings,​ invulnerable to most known weapons.​ Electrical energy can harm them,​ however.​ They lack any intelligence beyond an instinctive attraction to other charged energy sources.​ Pulse Bombus produce energy constantly.​ All excess energy is shed,​ regardless of who or what may be nearby.​[1]
Logbook - Pulse Bombu

In Action[edit | edit source]

A Pulse Bombu in action.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Life-​form of raw energy.​ Periodically releases explosive segments from its body.​ ​Pulse Bombus are energy beings,​ invulnerable to most known weapons.​ Electrical energy can harm them,​ however.​ They lack any intelligence beyond an instinctive attraction to other charged energy sources.​ Pulse Bombus produce energy constantly.​ All excess energy is shed,​ regardless of who or what may be nearby.​" — Logbook "Pulse Bombu" (Metroid Prime)

Creatures from Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater