Charge Attack

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Revision as of 12:59, 31 October 2010 by Magnus (talk | contribs)

The Charge Attack (or Spin Jump Attack[1]) is easily described as a pseudo Screw Attack.

After acquiring the Charge Beam, this attack can be performed by reaching the max charge, and then performing a Spin Jump. Samus will spin through the air while flashing, and should she hit something, 'cause damage.

Once Samus makes contact with an enemy, the charge will be expended. Should the target of a Charge Attack survive, Samus will take damage by coming into contact with an enemy. Similarly, should Samus try to go through two enemies with a Charge Attack, the second enemy will damage her.

After obtaining the Screw Attack, this technique is no longer usable.


  1. "SPIN JUMP ATTACK (MUST POSESS CHARGE BEAM)/Charge up a beam shot and then perform a Spin Jump to damage enemies vulnerable to the Charge Beam." Metroid Fusion Instruction Booklet, Pg. 14