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Transport to Phazon Mines East

From Metroid Wiki
Transport to Phazon Mines East

The transport


Metroid Prime


Tallon Overworld

Connected Rooms

Elevator Theme

The Transport to Phazon Mines East is a room in the Tallon Overworld that has an elevator that goes to the Transport to Tallon Overworld South in the Phazon Mines.

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

  • None

Scans[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Terminal)
Located in: Tallon Overworld - Transport to Phazon Mines East

Access to Phazon Mines East granted. Please step into the hologram.[1]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Hologram)
Located in: Tallon Overworld - Transport to Phazon Mines East

Transport to Phazon Mines East active.[2]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. "Access to Phazon Mines East granted. Please step into the hologram." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  2. "Transport to Phazon Mines East active." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)

Language Name Meaning
Spanish Transporte a las Minas de Phazon sección Este Transport to the Phazon Mines East section
German Transporter zum östlichen Teil der Phazon-Minen Transporter to the Northern Part of Phazon Mines
Italian Ascensore per Miniere di Phazon est Elevator to Phazon Mines East 
Rooms in Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater