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Morph Ball

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Revision as of 20:52, 14 February 2010 by Melchizedek (talk | contribs)

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The 'Morph Ball is Samus Aran's Alt-Form. When using the Morph Ball, Samus is transformed into a one meter diameter metallic sphere. This allows her to travel through tight passages that she would normally not be able to fit in. Using various modular upgrades, its abilities can be extended.


  • Morph Ball Bomb - Allows Samus to place a small explosive charge. This is used to clear certain weak obstacles and propel the Morph Ball upwards a short distance.
  • Power Bomb - Allows Samus to drop a much more powerful explosive charge, with a greater range. In Metroid Fusion it also draws in X Parasites.
  • Spider Ball - In Metroid II: Return of Samus the spider ball allows Samus to climb most flat surfaces. In the Metroid Prime series, it can only adhere to magnetic rails.
  • Spring Ball - Allows the Morph Ball to jump a short distance.
  • Boost Ball - When charged, briefly accelerates the Morph Ball. This can be used to climb half pipe structures. It also allows Samus to jump perpendicularly away from the magnetic rails used by the Spider Ball.


  • Due to limitations in the NES hardware, the unit was unable to portray Samus crawling. The Morph Ball was created to simplify the required animation to the point that the NES could handle it.
  • The original Metroid calls the morph ball "Maru-Mari", which is simply a transliteration of its Japanese name. "Maru" can mean either "circle" or "purity". "Mari" translates to "ball". A more accurate translation would thus be "Circle Ball", or perhaps "Purity Ball".