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Revision as of 03:50, 12 June 2010 by Malake256 (talk | contribs)
The Giant Core-X which uploaded the Varia Suit.

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A Core-X is an X-Parasite allowing Samus to recover one of her latent abilities when absorbed. Most Core-X attack simply by ramming into Samus. They tend to mimic larger and more dangerous creatures than most X. Even after she defeats a creature a Core-X mimics, it is still dangerous to Samus, as they have a hard shell which must be cracked with either Missiles or a Charge Shot before Samus can absorb them. A Core-X that carries a beam weapon is known as a Hard Core-X. Upon defeat, Core-X yield a larger-than-normal X-Parasite for Samus to absorb. These X generally contain a game-vital upgrade.

Hard Core-X