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Chykka Adult


Metroid Prime 2


Dark Water Bursts
Chykling Swarm


Light Beam
Dark Beam


Dark Torvus Bog


Dark Visor

Chykka is a massive rapidly growing insect that serves as the Guardian of the Energy Controller in Dark Torvus Bog.


Chykka Larva

After Samus frees the Chykka Larva, it will begin circling around her. It will occasionally jump into the air and spit a large ball of Dark Water. Samus can hit it when it is midair. The Larva may also jump onto the platform that Samus is on and grab onto her with its long tongue, becoming very vulnerable when it does. If Samus damages it enough it will become stunned allowing her to damage is very quickly while it slides back into the Dark Water.

Chykka Adult and Dark Chykka

After Samus damages Chykka enough it will momentarily disappear before returning in its adult form. The Chykka Adult will attack Samus by ramming and by firing massive bursts of Dark Water. In order to damage it Samus must first stun it by using beam weapons as all missile attacks will deflect off it if not stunned. After Samus stuns Chykka, its four wings will become vulnerable and after damaging all four Chykka will fall into the water before emerging as Dark Chykka.

Samus can only damage Dark Chykka by firing directly at its egg sac from which it will spawn swarms of infant Chykka called Chykling. After Samus damages its egg sac enough Chykka will revert back to its normal Adult form. Once Samus damages Chykka's wings again, Chykka will again become Dark Chykka. Once defeated Samus may claim the Dark Visor