
From Metroid Wiki

"You seem to like The Legend of Zelda, don't you?" -Psycho Mantis

Hey! This is TheSuperZeldaMan coming to you live from by recliner. Really, that's probably what I'm doing. if I'm not on this site, I'm probably either drowning, ascending Mount Everest, or dead. I love to create articles on the site and watch it grow. With the Metroid series at a close second favorite, I know a lot about it and will be happy to spread my knowledge with you as well as help you with editing. Let's try a little harder each day to watch this flower blossom into an awesome rose, Deku Tree, Mana Tree, whatever you'd like to call it. I just hope this site will become as big as its brother some day.

The reason why there's a "The" is because i had some trouble making "SuperZeldaMan" on Youtube and now it's kind of custom for me to do that :). ZeldaMan (PostboxStatus)

"Between the two of us, this should be a breeze." -Rundas

This user is a fan of Adam Malkovich
This user's favorite Metroid game is Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

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