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Service Access

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Service Access


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Temple Grounds

Connected Rooms

Shrine Access


The Service Access is a room in the Temple Grounds. The room connects the Landing Site, the Path of Honor, and the Meeting Grounds, the latter of which is blocked by a Green Blast Shield.

Appearance and Navigation[edit | edit source]

Starting from the door to the Landing Site, there is a hallway leading to the main room. This hallway opens out into an open area. This area has a Morph Ball tunnel that leads to a small side room with the door to the Meeting Grounds. The northern area has the door to the Path of Honor. There is another Morph Ball tunnel on top of the other that can only be used by entering a special hole in the Meeting Grounds. It turns and goes to the Path of Honor. There are a number of red decorations on the walls resembling eyes. This room is at first inhabited by three Lumites. If Samus travels through the Service Access after defeating Chykka, Dark War Wasps from War Wasp Hives are found here.

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

Scan Data[edit | edit source]

Located in: Temple Grounds - Service Access

This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door.[1]

Located in: Temple Grounds - Service Access

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access.
Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Super Missile blast may damage it.[2]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Destroyed Splinter Cocoon)
Located in: Temple Grounds - Service Access

Morphology: Destroyed Splinter Cocoon
Compromised hibernation structure.
This cocoon has been heavily damaged. Only remnants of the cocoon shell remain.[3]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Red Eye Statue)
Located in: Temple Grounds - Service Access

Object scan complete.
Statue house has a power grid, motivator unit, and an energy-projection array. All systems are offline, due to age or structural damage.[4]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Creature Number Encountered
Lumites 3  Prior to defeating Chykka  
Dark War Wasps  All later visits  

Gallery[edit | edit source]


  1. "This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access.
    Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Super Missile blast may damage it.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  3. "Destroyed Splinter Cocoon
    Compromised hibernation structure.
    This cocoon has been heavily damaged. Only remnants of the cocoon shell remain.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  4. "Object scan complete. Statue house has a power grid, motivator unit, and an energy-projection array. All systems are offline, due to age or structural damage." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Temple GroundsAgon WastesTorvus BogSanctuary FortressGreat TempleSky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple