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Galactic Federation

From Metroid Wiki
A Galactic Federation city, seen in the trailer of Metroid: Other M

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The Galactic Federation is an intergalactic alliance engaged in war with the Space Pirates.

"In the year 2000 of the history of the cosmos, representatives from the many different planets in the galaxy established a congress called the Galactic Federation, and an age of prosperity began. A successful exchange of cultures and civilization resulted, and thousands of interstellar spaceships ferried back and forth between planets. But space pirates also appeared to attack the spaceships. The Federation Bureau created the Galactic Federation Police, but the pirates' attacks were powerful and it was not easy to catch them in the vastness of space. The Federation Bureau and the Federation Police called together warriors known for their great courage and sent them to do battle with the pirates. These great warriors were called "space hunters."" Metroid (game) Instruction Booklet, Pg 3-4

The Federation has a powerful military force, known as the Galactic Federation Marine Corps. Samus Aran also spent time affiliated with the Galactic Federation Marines.

Galactic Federation
Space Pirate