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MetroidHQ's current skin, created by Axion and Shrander

Metroid Q as of June 2011

Created June 10, 2004

Elias Thompson

Current Owner

Elias Thompson


Link Button

MetroidHQ (commonly abbreviated as MHQ) was created as "Metroid Headquarters" in June of 2004 by Elias Thompson, during what is now considered to be the heyday of Metroid fan creations. The site gained traction initially as a forum before its website was created. It has since undergone many different looks, with 1-2 new website skins being featured every year.

History[edit | edit source]

MetroidHQ was created as a ProBoards forum by Elias Thompson (then known as MetroidMaster1914) on June 10, 2004. He created a Geocities website to go with it soon after. Upon realizing that neither the website nor forum was gaining any momentum, he abandoned the Geocities site and replaced the forum with one powered by InvisionFree on July 16, 2004. The new forum slowly gained popularity over the next 1½ years, but it wasn't until late 2005/early 2006 that Elias began to take a full time interest in the forum.

Throughout 2006 MHQ grew by means of affiliations, a Metroid game release, and a small but thriving community. On January 1, 2007, MetroidHQ launched its website on a free hosted server. That summer it switched over to paid hosting and acquired its first domain, Since then, the website has undergone constant improvements and feature updates, as well as changed its look many times.

MetroidHQ now serves as one of the most visited Metroid fan sites on the Internet, and continues to tweak and improve the quality of its site and content.

Podcast[edit | edit source]

On December 1st, 2010, MHQ started a monthly podcast wherein various MHQ Staff members got together to discuss news, answer mailbag questions, and produce various segments. They were often accompanied by a special guest, usually someone prominent in the Metroid community, with whom they hold an interview.

On January 1st, 2013, they rebooted the MHQ podcast as "Podcast Prime," focusing on a shorter episode length with more emphasis on the guest interview and a brief Metroid-related discussion.

The podcast now gets over a thousand views each month, and is available for download on iTunes. A new podcast is released on (or around) the 1st of every month.

Marathon[edit | edit source]

In addition to holding its usual anniversary festivities, for its 7th Anniversary (2011) MHQ held a 101-hour marathon of all Metroid games. The games were played in chronological order on the hardest difficulty possible, collecting 100% of items and scans, from July 11th to July 16th. It marked the first time that MHQ had done anything to celebrate its anniversary before the actual date, and also the first time that the majority of the staff physically met up in a single location.

Since the initial marathon, MHQ has held a marathon each year around the same time to celebrate its anniversary, with varying date, times, and durations.

Staff[edit | edit source]

Management[edit | edit source]

Name Position(s)
Elias Thompson Founder, Webmaster, & General Manager
Nathaniel Tabit Community Manager & QA Manager
Jonathan Masiello Website Manager

Website[edit | edit source]

Name Position
Jonathan Masiello Manager
"Emperor" Code
Chris Sellars Graphics
Jade Slayter Database

Content[edit | edit source]

Name Position
Elias Thompson Manager
Chris Bucca Games
Jade Slayter Fan Creations
"Emperor" Fan Games

Media[edit | edit source]

Name Position
Elias Thompson Manager
Chris Bucca Video Editor
Torbjørn Brandrud Podcast Host & Editor

Former[edit | edit source]

Name Position
"DarkFlame" Forum Administrator
"Baby Drone" Forum Moderator
"MetaSamus" Forum Moderator
"Anubis" Forum Moderator
"Tenka" Forum Moderator
"Luffy" Forum Moderator

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • MetroidHQ began as Metroid Headquarters. At the time of its creation, there was another popular Metroid fan site with the name "Metroid HQ" founded by Timothy Jones. It ceased operations shortly after MHQ's creation. Metroid Headquarters eventually rebranded itself years later as MetroidHQ.
  • Although the first MHQ forum was created on June 10, 2004, the website traditionally holds its anniversary on July 16th every year since that is when its current forum was first created.
  • MHQ has been known to pull an April Fool's Day prank on its viewers every year since 2007.
  • Every year on its anniversary MetroidHQ typically unveils a new skin and holds poll contests for its forum members.
  • MHQ's founder once went 7 months straight without administrating the (then only) forum, and it was still active when he returned.
  • MetroidHQ's first 101-hour marathon actually lasted 106 hours.

Previous Skins[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Notable Metroid Websites · Metroid 2002 · Metroid Database · Metroid HQ · Metroid Recon · Metroid Wiki · Metroidover · Shinesparkers · Wikitroid