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Trooper Logs

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Trooper Logs are entries that Galactic Federation Marines store in their own personal logbooks. Samus can scan them and add them in her logbook. The only ones that are found in-game are in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes after the G.F.S. Tyr emergency-lands on Planet Aether and the Dark Splinters wipe out most of GFMC Task Force Herakles.

Force One

The following log entries were recorded by Force One of Herakles.

Captain A. Exeter

I'm beginning to think it was a real bad idea going down here. Reevs is right, that hive is just one of many. It's stupid to stir a hornet's next, especially if you plan on sleeping under it.[1]

Private First Class I. Crany

Last night at chow, Angseth starts talking about some bounty hunter and how she blew up a planet full of Space Pirates. I told her I didn't believe in fairy tales like that, and she took it personal. I just find it had to believe that one person took out an entire Space Pirate base, that's all. But if she wants to believe in this Samus, or Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, she can.[2]

Private First Class G. Haley

I hear. Them. Everywhere. They're coming. Can't sleep. Ever. They'll eat me. Eat.[3]

Private First Class S. Milligan

Brouda lost the bet, so he switched watch duty with me. I figure this section is nice and safe and boring, which suits me just fine. Let those other pugs guard the hot zone, I... hold on... hey! ...No! Hel--[4]

Lieutenant Corporal J. Brode

Man, I hope that is the only breeding ground for these things. If there's more, we're in big trouble. We had a hard enough time taking that one out of commission: I almost ran out of ammo. I never run out of ammo![5]

Force Two

The following log entries were recorded by Force One of Herakles.

Private First Class L. Brouda

We'll be making our stand here. The engineer tells me there's no way we'll get the ship's engines online, and the atmospheric interference is scrambling our distress beacon. If anyone reads this, know that we did our duty and fought well.[6]

Private First Class E. Danys

I'm the only one left. Managed to get out of the hive, but when I got to the ship, everyone was gone... dead. I'm heading for that alien building we saw earlier. Maybe someone can help me there... Wait, something's moving down there. Hello...?[7]

Private First Class M. Veroni

I think Haley's losing it. He talks to himself all the time, and he won't sleep. He almost shot me on watch the other night. I think he thought I was one of those things. I talked to the doc about taking him off the line, and he told me we needed all the help we can get. That's true, but if he goes berserk and kills a bunch of us, that won't be very helpful.[8]

Specialist M. Angseth

This is ridiculous. I can outshoot half the men here, and I'm stuck on monitor duty. I didn't join up to stare at a holoscreen! This wouldn't happen to Samus Aran... She'd be out there taking care of business, not pushing buttons and sending reports.[9]

Specialist B. Reevs

I don't like this plan. This hive is a small portion of a larger network. There may be dozens of hive systems like this across the planet, and they may all be linked. Destroying this one may buy us time, but it may also provoke the other hives into attacking.[10]

Gunnery Sergeant C. Benet

There's something wrong with the lock systems in this section. They've failed twice, locking us out until someone came along to let us in. If it happens again while we're playing "bait" for those things... well, at least we'll go out fighting, instead of hiding in the control area.[11]


  1. "I'm beginning to think it was a real bad idea going down here. Reevs is right, that hive is just one of many. It's stupid to stir a hornet's next, especially if you plan on sleeping under it." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "Last night at chow, Angseth starts talking about some bounty hunter and how she blew up a planet full of Space Pirates. I told her I didn't believe in fairy tales like that, and she took it personal. I just find it had to believe that one person took out an entire Space Pirate base, that's all. But if she wants to believe in this Samus, or Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, she can." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  3. "I hear. Them. Everywhere. They're coming. Can't sleep. Ever. They'll eat me. Eat." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  4. "Brouda lost the bet, so he switched watch duty with me. I figure this section is nice and safe and boring, which suits me just fine. Let those other pugs guard the hot zone, I... hold on... hey! ...No! Hel--" —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  5. "Man, I hope that is the only breeding ground for these things. If there's more, we're in big trouble. We had a hard enough time taking that one out of commission: I almost ran out of ammo. I never run out of ammo!" —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  6. "We'll be making our stand here. The engineer tells me there's no way we'll get the ship's engines online, and the atmospheric interference is scrambling our distress beacon. If anyone reads this, know that we did our duty and fought well." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  7. "I'm the only one left. Managed to get out of the hive, but when I got to the ship, everyone was gone... dead. I'm heading for that alien building we saw earlier. Maybe someone can help me there... Wait, something's moving down there. Hello...?" —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  8. "I think Haley's losing it. He talks to himself all the time, and he won't sleep. He almost shot me on watch the other night. I think he thought I was one of those things. I talked to the doc about taking him off the line, and he told me we needed all the help we can get. That's true, but if he goes berserk and kills a bunch of us, that won't be very helpful." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  9. "This is ridiculous. I can outshoot half the men here, and I'm stuck on monitor duty. I didn't join up to stare at a holoscreen! This wouldn't happen to Samus Aran... She'd be out there taking care of business, not pushing buttons and sending reports." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  10. "I don't like this plan. This hive is a small portion of a larger network. There may be dozens of hive systems like this across the planet, and they may all be linked. Destroying this one may buy us time, but it may also provoke the other hives into attacking." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  11. "There's something wrong with the lock systems in this section. They've failed twice, locking us out until someone came along to let us in. If it happens again while we're playing "bait" for those things... well, at least we'll go out fighting, instead of hiding in the control area." —Trooper Logs (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

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