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Samus using the ballspark

The ballspark is a technique only possible in Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Dread that allows us to use the Shinespark while we are in Morph Ball, with this we can sequence break and get the Super missiles before time in Metroid: Zero Mission, it is unnecessary to use it in the game, however it is mandatory if You want to complete the game 100%, the Ballspark can only be used when you get the Morph ball, the Speed Booster, and the Hi-Jump Boots in Metroid: Zero Mission. In Metroid Dread after you've obtained the Morph Ball and the Speed Booster from the Green and Yellow EMMIs, you can start ball sparking all over the place. To activate it we must activate the Speed Booster by running and then crouch to store the energy. After making ourselves into the Morph Ball, we will give the button A and again A in the air and if we give it again we will go up and if you press either right or left you will go to that side.