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The Shinespark is a secret technique introduced in Super Metroid by the Dachora, allowing Samus to use the dash of the Speed Booster in any direction and form. It is often used to save time, obtain items which can't be reached otherwise, break through certain blocks, or reach previously impossible to explore areas.

Using the Technique

In order to use the Shinespark, Samus must first run until she enters the Speed Booster dash. Once dashing, Samus must crouch, enabling her to enter the Shinespark. After crouching, Samus must jump and move in one of five directions: right, left, up, diagonally right, or diagonally left. Samus then speeds in the chosen direction with the same effect as Speed Boosting Samus. If Samus boosts directly into a sloped ledge, instead of stopping Samus will continue running in a Speed Boost form. This technique can be useful to reach seemingly impossible to reach areas.

Secret Message

In Metroid Fusion, a secret message can be viewed if Samus utilizes the Shinespark to skip a necessary item. Once entering a Navigation Room, a secret conversation between Adam Malkovich, Samus, and a Galactic Federation official will commence. The message mentions Samus's expert use of the Shinespark. Interestingly, there is an alternate method of achieving the secret message without utilizing the Shinespark, but the message will still treat Samus as if she has used the it.