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War Wasp Hive

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A War Wasp Hive in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
A War Wasp Hive in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

War Wasp Hives are the dwelling places of War Wasps. They are created with nearby materials and adhesive fluids secreted by the War Wasp. War Wasps take refuge in these hives to hide from predators and for rest after hunting. They do not leave unless a threat is nearby, in which case a swarm of War Wasps will defend their home. Samus can destroy the hives with Missiles.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime: War Wasp Hive
First Location: Chozo Ruins - Main Plaza
Primary War Wasp dwelling.​ Only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. ​War Wasps build their homes over existing crevices,​ using whatever materials are close at hand.​ They carry building fragments back to the construction site with their forelegs and glue them into place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.[1]
Logbook entry from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: War Wasp Hive
First Location: Agon Wastes - Portal Terminal
War Wasps require considerable amounts of sleep after a long hunt. They weave a protective hive from organic fluids they secrete themselves, then crawl inside to rest. Though safe from most predators, the hives can be damaged by explosive weapons.[2]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. "Primary War Wasp dwelling.​ Only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. ​War Wasps build their homes over existing crevices,​ using whatever materials are close at hand.​ They carry building fragments back to the construction site with their forelegs and glue them into place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens." —Logbook (Metroid Prime)
  2. "War Wasps require considerable amounts of sleep after a long hunt. They weave a protective hive from organic fluids they secrete themselves, then crawl inside to rest. Though safe from most predators, the hives can be damaged by explosive weapons." —Logbook (Metroid Prime)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ワスプハイブ Wasp Hive