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Three Year Old Samus

Three year old Samus
Three year old Samus

Samus started out as a young girl on the mining colony of K-2L with her parents, Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran. When she was three years old, her hometown was visited by the Chozo, a bird-like race, in search of the planet's Afloraltite. They came in peace, and Samus immediately found a kindred spirit in a Chozo elder named Old Bird. This Chozo taught Samus that befriending and understanding others can be used to solve problems. She uses this philosophy to befriend Pyonchi, a rabbit-like creature, and it remains Samus's companion through many years. The Chozo left K-2L empty-handed the very same day they landed.

Unfortunately, a Space Pirate flagship was following the Chozo. It landed on the innocent colony and a raid ensued, led by none other than the dragon-like bioform Ridley. Samus' innocent three-year old mind could not comprehend the nature of violence, so she assumed Ridley was a visitor and asked him if they could become friends. Feeling humiliated and embarrassed in front of his unit, Ridley made a strike that would fatally wound Samus. Just as any mother would, Virginia got in the way of the strike and suffered the fatal blow. Rodney also sacrificed himself to destroy the Space Pirate flagship; he ignited a large amount of Afloraltite. Ridley deserted the scene after the Afloraltite exploded, unable to find or kill Samus, leaving her the only survivor of the attack.

Old Bird and Gray Voice infusing Chozo DNA within Samus

The Chozo returned to K-2L after receiving a distress signal sent by K-2L's colonists immediately before the attack. Old Bird and Grey Voice found the lone survivor. The Chozo voyagers then brought Samus to their home planet, Zebes. Mother Brain, a sentient organic robot created by the Chozo, predicted that Samus's frail body could not withstand harsh life in Zebes. The Chozo hoped to evade this problem by infusing her with Chozo blood and giving her the Power Suit, a bio-mechanical suit with many weapons and functions, thus giving birth to the powerful bounty hunter popularly known in today's Metroid franchise.