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Bes III is a planet of which little is known. It is orbited by the moon Phrygis, home of Rundas.[1] It is unknown if the Phrygisians, who live on an orbiting moon, inhabit the planet as well, or if the planet is even capable of supporting life.[1]
References[edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Subject is a native of Phrygis, a moon of planet Bes III known primarily for ice mining. The Phrygisian ability to manipulate and generate ice has come in handy in subject’s career as a Bounty Hunter. Intel suggests he enjoys hunting, to the point where he keeps trophies from all the targets he’s successfully captured or killed in his career. Subject is proud, cocky, and arrogant, and considers himself without rivals in his field." —Galactic Federation Data-Hunter Rundas (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
Series WorldsPrime WorldsHunters WorldsEchoes WorldsCorruption Worlds