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Alinos as it appeared in Metroid Prime Hunters.


Metroid Prime Hunters

Solar System

Alimbic Cluster

Neighboring Planets




Dominant Race


Current Status


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Alinos is a planet in the Alimbic Cluster, of the Tetra Galaxy in Metroid Prime Hunters.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Alinos is a planet which is characterized by a rough, rocky surface and a considerable volume of magma flowing underneath the crust.

Alimbic Habitation[edit | edit source]

The Alimbic people took control of Alinos and took advantage of the magma it contained. Numerous machines which run on thermal energy can be found scattered about the surface.[1]

References[edit source]

  1. "This planet's ultra-high temperature once provided power for an Alinos city. In the ruins, visible reminders of the civilization can still be seen." Metroid Prime Hunters Instruction Booklet, Pg 17

Series WorldsPrime WorldsHunters WorldsEchoes WorldsCorruption Worlds