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Hunter Rundas

Rundas from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Home Planet

Phrygis[citation needed]



Voice Actor(s)

Christopher Sabat


Phrygisian[citation needed]

Rundas is a Phrygisian Bounty Hunter who appears in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. His personality differs depending on the situation; sometimes he is arrogant and conceited when commanded by others to complete objectives, and other times he is mostly confident and laid-back when alone. Rundas is mostly someone who works alone that can take on groups of enemies on his own, however with another one by his side to back him up, he is willing to keep them out of harm's way. There are various examples of this when Rundas saves Samus after she defeats Meta Ridley in Norion.


Rundas's role in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is similar to that of the other Bounty Hunters Samus, Ghor, and Gandrayda. In the beginning of the game, Rundas's job is to help Samus activate the generators in Norion's infrastructure in order to activate the Energy Cannon to destroy the incoming Leviathan that is about to impact Norion. Rundas saves Samus several times while she aids him in restoring power to the generator conduits, such as when Samus encounters a large wave of Space Pirates. Rundas takes care of most of the incoming forces of Space Pirates, which saves Samus moments of valuable time needed to bring the conduits up and running. However, when a dark entity attacks the Bounty Hunters when they are about to activate the Energy Cannon, all of the hunters, including Rundas, are infected and begin self-generating Phazon. Everyone but Samus is knocked unconscious from the blow, but Samus is still able to repulse the Leviathan's impact with the activation of the Energy Cannon.

Within the month, Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda are dispatched to Bryyo, Elysia, and the Pirate Homeworld, respectively. Rundas, sent to Bryyo, is sent to end the rapid Phazon Corruption there and like the other Bounty Hunters, is equipped with a Phazon Enhancement Device to help aid him in his investigation of the Leviathan planted there. Not long after does Rundas realize how dangerous excessive use of the PED suit can effect his energy tanks, and soon becomes infected with a Phazon-like illness. Samus soon learns of this by various scans of ice with increasing Phazon content as she advances through Bryyo. Before long, Samus encounters another wave of Space Pirates she cannot defeat (similar to the encounter at Norion) but again is saved by Rundas. Samus attempts to walk toward Rundas (possibly to thank him), but Rundas lashes at her with a ripple of ice from the ground. Samus has no other choice but to take down the corrupted Rundas, taken over by Dark Samus.

After Samus critically wounds Rundas, he reaches for her, but before Samus can do anything, Rundas is impaled by one of his own ice formations, the exact cause of which is unknown, but he is nevertheless the first of Samus's comrades to die. Dark Samus then collects his Phazon and lets his body decay into thin air. Nothing is left behind by Rundas but a Missile upgrade: the Ice Missiles.

Fighting Style

The Phrygisian race has the ability to generate and manipulate ice, an ability which Rundas uses to his advantage in combat. He can generate sheets of ice which allow him to "glide" through the air. He can also generate large ice chunks to throw at his enemies. Rundas's ability to implant ice into various locations makes him a formidable foe at close range, while his chunks of ice make him a large-scale threat at far distances. In short, Rundas is a very dangerous hunter and should be taken seriously.


Bounty Hunters
Metroid Series
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption