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Metroid: Other M

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Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Other M

Metroid: Other M North American Cover Art

Publisher Nintendo
Developer(s) Project M (Nintendo SPD Production Group 1, Team Ninja, D-Rockets)
Platform(s) Wii

North American release August 31, 2010
European release September 3, 2010
Australian release September 2, 2010
Japanese release September 2, 2010

Genre Action-Adventure
Ratings ESRB: T
PEGI: 16
Modes Single-player
Media Wii Optical Disc
Input Wii Remote

Metroid: Other M is a game that was released on the Wii on August 31, 2010. The game was developed by Team Ninja together with Nintendo SPD. Gameplay trailers have shown that the controls will utilize the Wii Remote held sideways for third-person exploration and also pointed at the screen to enter a first-person perspective. According to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, the story of Metroid: Other M focuses largely on the series' protagonist Samus Aran. This Metroid game will be returning to the game series' third person perspective, with an ability to enter a first person mode for accuracy and scanning.


The game begins shortly after the end of Super Metroid, with Samus Aran dreaming about her climactic battle against the Mother Brain and the death of the Baby. She awakens in a Galactic Federation hospital in her Zero Suit. She is directed into another room by the Head Quarantine Officer to enter a training sequence. Satisfied with the results, Samus reports that the planet Zebes and Metroids had been annihilated in the mission. Weeks pass, and while reflecting more on the Baby, she picks up a distress signal, dubbed Baby's Cry, from a derelict Bottle Ship. She believes that it is crying for her.

Not too long after landing in the ship, Samus encounters the Galactic Federation 07th Platoon, and is recognized and greeted by Anthony Higgs, an old friend from her days in the Federation Army. Leading them was Commander Adam Malkovich, her former commanding officer when she served under the Federation Army. Adam asks why she is here. After explaining the circumstances that brought her there and asking the same from Adam, he responds that such information was not for an "outsider". Samus decides to stay on board for the sake of the others, but since it was not authorized by Adam, she decides not use any of her upgrades.

The team discover a dead body of a Lab Worker, and are soon attacked by a large mass of Brugs, a battle in which Samus and the platoon work together in taking it down. After destroying it, Adam requests Samus' cooperation in their mission, under the condition that she obey his orders and does not use certain weapons and equipment until he authorizes their use. Samus is then invited on the team, and is briefed on the details of the mission. Seeing how the situation of the Bottle Ship is extremely critical, Adam orders everyone to gather information and secure the safety of any survivors. He sends Lyle to Sector 1, Maurice to Sector 2, Anthony to Sector 3, James to the Control Bridge, and K.G. to the Bottle Ship Residential Area.

Samus is first ordered to reactivate the Bottle Ship's electrical system, then is ordered to find the Exam Center in Sector 1. She runs through the tropical territory, encountering a small, furry creature that stares at her. After fending off a swarm of Kihunters, Samus finds the creature violently devouring the remains of their hive, regarding it as a "disgusting beast" that used her strengths to hunt its food. She later finds the Exam Center, and meets up with the platoon there. Investigating, Samus discovers the cybernetic body of a Zebesian with the insignia of the Galactic Federation on its chest. The platoon discovers that the purpose of the Bottle Ship was to conduct research on bioweapons, a practice that is strictly prohibited by the Federation. They learn the person in charge of the project is a woman called "Dr. Madeline Bergman". When investigating if she was still anywhere in the building, Samus is ambushed by more cybernetically enhanced Zebesians and is separated from the others. After fending them off, she finds the platoon being attacked by a large lizard-like creature, who viciously attacks Samus upon her arrival, with the others fending off other creatures. After being struck by Anthony Higgs' Plasma Gun, the creature flees. The group discovers the body of Lyle, who failed to rendezvous with them. Samus also discovers a trail of green blood, which leads her to the molted shell of Little Birdie. She is ordered to follow the lizard creature.

Descending down a shaft into Sector 3, she tracks the creature, being attacked by Vorash, a large lava creature attempting to eat her. Soon, Adam orders her to go to Sector 2. While there, she discovers the body of Maurice, and sees a young woman staring at her before fleeing. As Samus tries to convince the woman that she only wants to protect her, she refuses to cooperate, believing that the Galactic Federation is there to silence the scientists on board the ship, and that Samus works for the Federation. The woman also implies that Maurice was killed by another soldier. The two of them are then attacked by a soldier wearing a Galactic Federation Power Suit driving an industrial construction vehicle, and the woman is separated from Samus. After the vehicle is destroyed, Samus finds its driver missing. Adam notices that the wavelength frequencies of the lizard-like creature battled earlier is causing some creatures aboard the ship to become more aggressive, and is stationed at the Pyrosphere. Along the way, Samus believes there is a traitor within the 07th Platoon, and nicknames him "the Deleter" until she learns his true identity.

Samus returns to Pyrosphere to investigate the Geothermal Power Plant, and along the way discovers Anthony being attacked by a Rhedogian, threatening to drop him over a pool of lava. Samus manages to reach him in time with her Grapple Beam, and the two fight the creature off. Anthony brings up Adam, in which Samus reminisces about the time Adam's brother Ian was killed in an incident. Parting from Anthony, Samus continues her investigation when she encounters the empty husk of the lizard creature. She enters the Geothermal Power Plant and sees Anthony targeting her. He fires at the creature behind Samus, the same one that they had been hunting earlier, which has now developed wings and able to breathe fire. Samus decides to confront it alone, and to her shock the creature appears to be none other than her arch-nemesis Ridley, who she thought was annihilated with the destruction of Zebes. Overcome with shock and unable to respond, Adam tries to get through to her when he is suddenly attacked. Noticing Anthony's presence, Ridley then grabs Samus and flies into the air with her, with her state of shock causing her Power Suit to deteriorate. Ridley then dodges a blast from Anthony's Plasma Cannon, dropping Samus. Anthony draws Ridley's attention and challenges him, but is quickly struck by the creature's tail and knocked off the ledge into the lava below. Samus reactivates her suit and attempts to rescue him, but Ridley quickly blocks her path, intentionally preventing her from saving him. Samus' anger empowers her to the point that she causes Ridley to flee once again after they do battle.

Leaving Pyrosphere, Samus realizes she cannot contact Adam, and fears that the Deleter may be targeting him. She arrives at the conclusion that Adam may have known everything that was going on from the very beginning, and may now have been aware of the Deleter, making him the biggest threat in the assassin's eyes. She then spots one of her comrades walking away, perhaps the Deleter, and pursues him to Biosphere. Realizing he is being followed, he hinders Samus' pursuit by disabling a bridge and destroying its controls. Overcoming the obstacle by defying Adam in activating her Space Jump and Screw Attack, she pursues the Deleter to the Bioweapon Research Center.

Once there, she instead finds the mysterious woman again, who identifies herself as "Madeline Bergman". She informs Samus about the secret operations there: the Federation was secretly gathering Zebesians and other deadly organisms to serve as bioweapons. The Zebesians were also enhanced to serve as a Special Forces Unit for the Galactic Federation, modeled after the Space Pirates on Zebes. The project became disastrous when a certain presence caused the life forms to suddenly become aggressive beyond their control. Madeline grew fearful that the situation could result in the resurrection of the Space Pirates, thus causing her to send the distress signal. Samus finds holes in this argument, as only a malicious force would lead the Zebesians down that path. The Federation could have easily destroyed the Bottle Ship in order to erase their mistake, and yet they sent an assassin to silence everyone instead to protect something on the ship. Madeline then reveals that there was more; the scientists were propagating Metroids as well, which were cloned from remains found on Samus' armor after the events of Super Metroid. Madeline also explains that the scientists did not recognize the small white creature as Ridley and believed his form was harmless, giving him the nickname "Little Birdie" and raising him as a pet, until one day the creature escaped after murdering a scientist. It is also revealed that an AI named "MB", modelled after Mother Brain, had been created for the purpose of controlling the Metroids. MB and the Metroids were stored in Sector Zero, a recreation of the Space Pirate base on Zebes, Tourian. Samus leaves Madeline in the laboratory for Sector Zero, who then reveals that Adam was the one who authorized the bioweapon project. With Samus gone, Madeline is then approached by the Deleter before a gun is fired.

Arriving at the entrance of Sector Zero, Samus encounters an Infant Metroid that reminds her of the Baby (having a flashback of its hatching in Metroid II: Return of Samus). Unlike before, she decides she must kill it, but before she can she is suddenly struck from behind and collapses, losing her suit. The Metroid decides to take advantage of the situation but is struck by a freeze gun. Samus recognizes her attacker as Adam, who claims that Metroids in Sector Zero were genetically manipulated to be unfreezable (despite the infant that tried to attack Samus). He also explains why he is credited on the military report. He had written it with the explanation of why it shouldn't happen, and despite the Federation's agreement, a small group within the Federation co-opted it for their own purposes. Adam reveals to Samus that he plans to enter Sector Zero to set off its self-destruct mechanism and cause it to detach from the Bottle Ship. Before leaving to Sector Zero, he orders Samus to locate a survivor in Room MW toward the rear of the Bioweapon Research Center and to defeat Ridley. Sector Zero then detaches with Adam inside and a loud sound can be heard.

Swearing to finish the mission, Samus returns to the research center, and finds the body of James Pierce, as well as the drained remains of Ridley. She later discovers the survivor Adam mentioned, who opens a large, dark room. Samus discovers that the room is filled with Metroid Eggs, and battles a Queen Metroid occupying the area. Samus faces the Queen in a long, difficult battle when the ship's emergency brakes suddenly become active. In a sudden move, Samus resorts to an old tactic and grapples into the Queen's mouth to Power Bomb her stomach. The survivor absconds from the destroyed chamber. Samus manages to catch up and calm the woman down, who also identifies herself as Madeline Bergman. Showing her identification, the real Madeline explains that the young woman Samus met earlier was actually MB. At first the android displayed amazing skill and learning capability, and developed a consciousness of sorts with the Metroids, but soon began to develop emotions with an nascent sense of herself, eventually developing the same personality as Mother Brain. Becoming self-aware, she began to disagree with the scientists and argue against them, to the point where they thought it was necessary to alter her programming. Feeling betrayed by the scientists and calling out to Madeline to help her, who could only stand by and watch, the android fought back and unleashed all of the experiments to run rampant throughout the station, killing all scientists but Madeline and setting the events for the game.

Samus and Madeline are then confronted by MB herself, pointing a Freeze Gun at them. Despite Samus' protests, Madeline attempts to negotiate with MB, who insists that all humans should be judged. She is then frozen by a group of Federation Marines, but she quickly thaws off, summoning the Bottle Ship's most dangerous creatures to attack everyone. On The Colonel's orders, MB is killed by the Marines. Madeline, devastated and heartbroken at the sight of her fate, is quickly restrained. The Colonel compliments Samus' efforts but orders a Marine to escort her back to her ship, as she is no longer part of the Federation due to everyone in the platoon dying. Much to everyone's surprise, the soldier reveals himself to be Anthony, and due to Adam's orders being authorized by the chairman, he and Samus are allowed to take Madeline with them. He also reveals that he was the one responsible for hitting the emergency brakes on the Bottle Ship while Samus fought the Queen Metroid. The three of them leave for Galactic Federation Headquarters, with Samus questioning whether MB was truly evil all along, or if she was a mere android who had a consciousness awaken in her, only to be driven mad by the greed of humans.

Days after the incident, the Galactic Federation has decided to destroy the Bottle Ship by utilizing its self-destruct mechanism. Before then, Samus flies back to recover an important treasure. She re-explores the Bottle Ship and is confronted by her old foe Phantoon before she is able to work her way back to the location where Adam sat and left his helmet. He had witnessed the conversation where Samus told MB that she would go to Sector Zero to destroy the Metroids, quickly grabbed his guns and hurried out to stop her, leaving his helmet behind. Samus clutches the helmet in an emotional moment. It is interrupted when the ship's self-destruct sequence is activated. With Adam's helmet in her possession, Samus quickly escapes the Bottle Ship suitless before it is utterly destroyed.


  1. Brug Mass
  2. Fune and Namihe
  3. King Kihunter
  4. Mystery Creature
  5. Goyagma
  6. RB176 Ferrocrusher
  7. Vorash
  8. Ridley
  9. Nightmare
  10. Queen Metroid
  11. MB
  12. Phantoon



Other M's E3 2009 trailer

Other M's E3 2010 trailer

A gameplay trailer for Other M

GameTrailer's exclusive Other M trailer

The leaked Live Action commercial

The released Live Action commercial

Official art


External links

Ridley from Metroid: Zero Mission Metroid Games Samus from Super Metroid
2D Games
3D Games
Other Games