Luminoth Tech Crate

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Luminoth Tech Crates are cubic storage devices used by the Luminoth in Sanctuary Fortress. Their lock systems are very advanced, like all the technology in the Fortress, and so secure that Samus must destroy the crates to discover their contents.[1]

Luminoth Tech Crate

Luminoth Tech Crates in the Sanctuary Entrance


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Located in

Sanctuary Fortress


Storage device



Similar devices used by the Luminoth in different regions of Aether include Agon Bearerpods, Torvus Bearerpods, and Torvus Hanging Pods.


Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Located in: Sanctuary Fortress

Object is a Luminoth Tech Crate. Units possess ultra-secure lock systems. Destroy them to discover their contents.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Object is a Luminoth Tech Crate. Units possess ultra-secure lock systems. Destroy them to discover their contents." —Scan Data (A meteoroid, Prime 2: Echoes)
