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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes




Agon Wastes

Threat Capacity


Sandgrass is a desert grass found on the planet Aether. It is unique in that it requires absolutely no moisture to survive. Relying exclusively on photosynthesis for sustenance, Sandgrass can be found extensively throughout the Agon Wastes.

Radical bio-mutations caused by genetic engineering are present in Sandgrass, possibly performed by Luminoth scientists in an effort to fortify the plant against the harsh environment resulting from the devastating meteor impact.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Sandgrass
First Location: Agon Wastes
Sandgrass scans indicate that the plant requires no moisture to survive. It relies exclusively on solar energy for sustenance, making it well adapted for life in a desert environment. Evidence of extensive mutation present, suggesting radical bio-adjustments within the last centicycle. Mutation source is not natural: plant strain was genetically engineered, possibly by the Luminoth.[1]

References[edit source]

  1. "Sandgrass scans indicate that the plant requires no moisture to survive. It relies exclusively on solar energy for sustenance, making it well adapted for life in a desert environment. Evidence of extensive mutation present, suggesting radical bio-adjustments within the last centicycle. Mutation source is not natural: plant strain was genetically engineered, possibly by the Luminoth." — Logbook "Sandgrass" (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese サンドグラス Sand Grass 
