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Biostorage Access

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Biostorage Access

The Biostorage Access


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Agon Wastes

Connected Rooms

Feeding Pit Access


The Biostorage Access is a room in the Agon Wastes. The room connects the Command Center to the Biostorage Station, the latter of which is blocked by a Red Blast Shield.

Appearance and Navigation[edit | edit source]

The room has two main sections. The first section is next to the Command Center. There are two "Humility" Class Turrets on the ceiling of this section, along with two tanks on the sides. These tanks seem similar to those that Tallon Metroids are kept in, but their purpose is unknown. The second section is empty except for three sets of lasers. Each set has two lasers that move in unison. They all go from being near the left and bottom sides to being near the top and right sides.

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

Scans[edit | edit source]

Located in: Agon Wastes - Biostorage Access

This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door.[1]

Located in: Agon Wastes - Biostorage Access

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Missile blast might damage it.[2]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Creature Number Encountered
"Humility" Class Turret 2  All visits  
Temple GroundsAgon WastesTorvus BogSanctuary FortressGreat TempleSky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple
  1. "This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Missile blast might damage it." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)