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Training Chamber (Torvus Bog)

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Training Chamber

The Training Chamber


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Torvus Bog

Connected Rooms

Sacrificial Chamber


1 Missile Expansion


The Training Chamber is a room in the subterranean zone of Torvus Bog. The room contains a statue containing a Bomb Slot, varieties of Bloggs, and two Morph Ball tunnels in the ground. The blue and red Morph Ball tunnels can be activated by their respective Spinners. Samus can activate the Bomb Slot after she obtains the Spider Ball, which she can use to go up the track attached to the statue's Bomb Slot. After using it, the statue will move, revealing a Missile Expansion on the spot where the statue originally stood and a Yellow Blast Shield.

Upon her first visit to this room, Samus discovers that the Phazon particles that she had seen previously in the Training Access have formed into Dark Samus. Dark Samus appears briefly and laughs at Samus before once again dissolving. She initially encounters a number of Bloggs. On later visits, the Blogglings are possessed by the Ing and transform into Dark Bloggs.

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

Scans[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Offline Spinner)
Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

Spinner system currently offline. Enemy threat override in effect. Secure the area to restore function to this device.[1]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Statue)
Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

Statue has a functional motivator unit, currently offline. Bomb Slot detected in statue. Energize the Bomb Slot to bring statue's movement system online.[2]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Offline statue)
Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

Movement of statue complete. Motivator system offline. The statue will remain in its current position.[3]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Missile Expansion)
Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

Missile Expansion
Increases the number of Missiles you can carry by 5.[4]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Door)
Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door.[5]

Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Dark energy may damage it.[6]

Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Light energy may damage it.[7]

Located in: Torvus Bog - Training Chamber

There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Power Bomb may damage it.[8]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Creature Number Encountered
Bloggs 2  First visit  
Blogglings 3  Second visit  
Dark Bloggs 3  All visits after the second  

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. "Spinner system currently offline. Enemy threat override in effect. Secure the area to restore function to this device." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  2. "Statue has a functional motivator unit, currently offline. Bomb Slot detected in statue. Energize the Bomb Slot to bring statue's movement system online." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  3. "Movement of statue complete. Motivator system offline. The statue will remain in its current position." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  4. "Missile Expansion
    Increases the number of Missiles you can carry by 5.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  5. "This is a powered door system. Low-level energy shield on door to prevent activation by local creatures. Weapon fire of any type will disrupt the shield and open the door." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  6. "There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Dark energy may damage it." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  7. "There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. Light energy may damage it." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  8. "There is a Blast Shield on the door blocking access. Analysis indicates that the Blast Shield is invulnerable to most weapons. A Power Bomb may damage it." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Language Name Meaning
Spanish Sala de Entrenamientos Training Hall
French Chambre d'entrainement Training Chamber
German Ausbildungshalle Training Hall 
Temple GroundsAgon WastesTorvus BogSanctuary FortressGreat TempleSky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple