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Sanctum Access

From Metroid Wiki
Sanctum Access

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Sky Temple

Connected Rooms

Controller Access

Dancing Zoomer is inadequate
Dancing Zoomer is inadequate

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The Sanctum Access is a room in the Sky Temple that connects the Sky Temple Energy Controller to the Sanctum. This room is also the Dark Counterpart to the Controller Access of the Great Temple.

The Sanctum Access is little more than a vertical shaft connecting the two major areas. Wall Jump Surfaces line either side of the room and can be used in conjunction with the Screw Attack and the Wall Jump to access the upper exit.

Temple GroundsAgon WastesTorvus BogSanctuary FortressGreat TempleSky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple