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Sonic Boom

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Sonic Boom

The Sonic Boom upgrade


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Samus Aran

Located in

Dark Agon Wastes


30 units of Light and Dark Ammo and 5 Missiles


Damages multiple enemies simultaneously

The Sonic Boom is the Annihilator Beam's Charge Combo that appears in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. When fired, it quickly reaches its target. After impact, it will generate bursts of sonic waves, creating a distortion field with a "shattered" appearance, that damage anything near it until it dissipates. Unlike the Darkburst or Sunburst, the Sonic Boom is effective against agile foes.

The Sonic Boom is acquired in Ing Cache 2 of Dark Aether.

In Game Data[edit | edit source]

"Sonic Boom costs 5 Missiles, 30 Light Ammo and 30 Dark Ammo to fire. The Sonic Boom is most effective against multiple targets in an area."[1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Sonic Boom costs 5 Missiles, 30 Light Ammo and 30 Dark Ammo to fire. The Sonic Boom is most effective against multiple targets in an area." —Samus's Notes (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ソニックブーム Sonic Boom
Spanish Combo Sónico Sonic Combo
French Déflagration Sonique Sonic Blast
German Sonic Boom -
Italian Fragore Crash 
Beams of Metroid
Beam Weapons
Beam Upgrades
Charge Combos
Affinity Weapons