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Armored Pirate Trooper

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Armored Pirate Trooper
Two Armored Troopers

Two Armored Pirate Troopers


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

  • Beam-type attacks
  • Energy scythe
  • EMP grenades

An Armored Pirate Trooper is a Pirate Trooper with more armor. These troopers are first seen in the Temple of Bryyo prior to the battle with Rundas or in Bryyo Thorn Jungle (depending on which area is visited first). Their armor is resistant to Beam attacks, but can be ruptured with Missiles; the Hyper Beam is also effective against them. Once their armor is broken off, they'll become regular Pirate Troopers.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: Armored Pirate Trooper
Armored Pirate Troopers are equipped with a standard armorsuit. It provides adequate protection against Beam attacks but is vulnerable to explosive blasts. They are outfitted with all the basic pirate armaments. This includes an assault rifle and energy scythe, both powered by Phazon. EMP grenades are often employed against power-armored foes. A new Dash Jet system provides increased mobility.[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Armored Pirate Troopers bear a great resemblance to the standard Pirate Troopers found in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. However, the orb in their armor is blue instead of red, which likely represents the pirate's Phazon corruption.

References[edit source]

  1. "Armored Pirate Troopers are equipped with a standard armorsuit. It provides adequate protection against Beam attacks but is vulnerable to explosive blasts. They are outfitted with all the basic pirate armaments. This includes an assault rifle and energy scythe, both powered by Phazon. EMP grenades are often employed against power-armored foes. A new Dash Jet system provides increased mobility." — Logbook "Armored Pirate Trooper" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)

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