Diligence Class Drone

From Metroid Wiki

Diligence Class Drones are Luminoth built mechanoids found only in Sanctuary Fortress on Aether. These units were originally designed for cleaning, but were modified for combat once the Ing-Luminoth War began and eventually out-classed by Harmony Class Drones. They are similar to the Scatter Bombus on Tallon IV.

Diligence Class Drone

Logbook image


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes






Sanctuary Fortress

Threat Capacity



Focused energy beams[1]

Vulnerable areas


Diligence Class Drones attack by firing focused beams of energy. They are resistant to many weapons, but Samus can defeat them with the Dark Beam or the Annihilator Beam.[1]

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Diligence Class Drone
First Location: Sanctuary Fortress - Dynamo Access
The Diligence Class Drones were the first cleaning united designed by the Luminoth. They were modified for combat duty once the war began but were outshined by the newer Harmony-Class Units. A Diligence uses focused beams to perform its duty. Their energy construct makes them invulnerable to most attacks, though dark energy can disrupt them.[1]

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "The Diligence Class Drones were the first cleaning united designed by the Luminoth. They were modified for combat duty once the war began but were outshined by the newer Harmony-Class Units. A Diligence uses focused beams to perform its duty. Their energy construct makes them invulnerable to most attacks, though dark energy can disrupt them." — Logbook "Diligence Class Drone" (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese スキャッターボルテックス Scatter Vortex 

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