Ruined Nursery

From Metroid Wiki

The Ruined Nursery is a room in the Chozo Ruins. It is accessed from the Eyon Tunnel on the lower level. The lower level has a Chozo Lore entry on the wall, along with a number of Beetles. The second level is on a large ledge above the first level, with a small walkway that leads to Save Station 1. There are a number of War Wasp Hives that spawn War Wasps. The upper ledge leads to the North Atrium. Along one of the walls, there is a small Morph Ball maze which can only be solved with the Morph Ball Bombs.

Ruined Nursery

The Ruined Nursery


Metroid Prime


Chozo Ruins

Connected Rooms

Chozo Ruins Plaza


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Rooms in Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater