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Frigate Crash Site

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Frigate Crash Site

The crashed Frigate Orpheon


Metroid Prime


Tallon Overworld

Connected Rooms

1 Missile Expansion


Tallon Overworld Main Theme

The Frigate Crash Site is a a large valley that leads to the crashed remains of the Frigate Orpheon in Tallon Overworld.

Navigation[edit | edit source]

This room can be accessed through the Waterfall Cavern or the Overgrown Cavern. The Waterfall Cavern is located at one lower end of the area, while the White Door to the Frigate Access Tunnel is at the other end. The Overgrown Cavern is located high on the edge of the valley with an White Door, and cannot be accessed from below. The center of the room is filled with a large pool of water. Samus can either use the Gravity Suit to navigate along the bottom, or she can use the Grapple Beam to go across the water.

Crates leaking Phazon at the Crash Site

When Samus has the Gravity Suit, Jelzaps can be found in the water, along with a Missile Expansion on the underwater wall. When Samus first enters the area, there are two Flying Pirates, who were investigating a container of Phazon, but they flee when Samus arrives. More Flying Pirates will appear on subsequent visits.

There are also a number of injured Space Pirates near the entrance to the Frigate. On later visits, the injured Pirates are gone, but three Beetles will appear near the entrance to the Waterfall Cavern.

Data[edit | edit source]

Available Logbook Entries[edit | edit source]

Scans[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Crashed Orpheon hull)
Located in: Tallon Overworld - Frigate Crash Site

Derelict Space Pirate ship that self-distructed in low orbit above Tallon IV. Faint life signs detected in interior.[1]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Lichen)
Located in: Tallon Overworld - Frigate Crash Site

This lichen seems to be giving off low levels of radiation. No matches found in flora and fauna databank.[2]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Phazon container)

This crate appears to be the same type of container found on the Space Pirate research frigate. The material seeping out from the ruptured metal is highly toxic. Analysis indicates this may be the 'Phazon' compound the Space Pirates were using in their biological experiments.[3]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Crack in wall)
Located in: Tallon Overworld - Frigate Crash Site

There is a small crevice detected at the base of this wall.[4]

Located in: Tallon Overworld - Frigate Crash Site

Missile Expansion
Increases the number of Missiles you can carry by 5.[5]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

Creature Number Encountered
Flying Pirates 2  First visit before obtaining Gravity Suit and all visits after  
Injured Space Pirates 3  Once after obtaining Gravity Suit  
Beetles 3  All visits  
Jelzap 1  All visits after obtaining Gravity Suit  

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit source]

  1. "Derelict Space Pirate ship that self-distructed in low orbit above Tallon IV. Faint life signs detected in interior." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  2. "This lichen seems to be giving off low levels of radiation. No matches found in flora and fauna databank." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  3. "This crate appears to be the same type of container found on the Space Pirate research frigate. The material seeping out from the ruptured metal is highly toxic. Analysis indicates this may be the 'Phazon' compound the Space Pirates were using in their biological experiments." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  4. "There is a small crevice detected at the base of this wall." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  5. "Missile Expansion
    Increases the number of Missiles you can carry by 5.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)

Language Name Meaning
Spanish Lugar del Impacto de la Fragata Frigate Impact Site
French Site du crash de la frégate Frigate Crash Site
German Absturzstelle der Fregatte Frigate Crash Site
Italian Area Impatto Fregata Frigate Impact Area 
Rooms in Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater