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Samus Aran

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Samus Aran

Samus from Metroid: Other M

Off-Game Appearance(s)

Metroid (manga)

Home Planet




Voice Actor(s)



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Samus Aran is an intergalactic Bounty Hunter and the main protagonist of the Metroid series. Her first appearance was in the original Metroid, released in 1986. Her birth planet is K-2L, an earth colony. Samus Aran is a bounty hunter of prestige fame, often employed by the Galactic Federation. Samus's history is somewhat mysterious and is often left with wide gaps. Her past is best described in the Metroid Manga, although it is debatable whether the manga is canon or non-canon, though images from the Manga appear in the Japanese Metroid: Zero Mission Gallery. Other than the Metroid Manga, primary sources for her history are Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Other M.


Three Year Old Samus

Three year old Samus
Three year old Samus

Samus started out as a young girl on the mining colony of K-2L with her parents, Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran. When she was three years old, her hometown was visited by the Chozo, a bird-like race, in search of the planet's Afloraltite. They came in peace, and Samus immediately found a kindred spirit in a Chozo elder named Old Bird. This Chozo taught Samus that befriending and understanding others can be used to solve problems. She uses this philosophy to befriend Pyonchi, a rabbit-like creature, and it remains Samus's companion through many years. The Chozo left K-2L empty-handed the same day they landed.

Following the Chozo was a Space Pirate flagship; it landed on the innocent colony and a raid ensued, led by none other than the dragon-like bioform Ridley. Samus's three-year old mind could not comprehend the nature of violence, so she assumed Ridley was a visitor and asked him if they could become friends. Feeling humiliated and embarrassed in front of his unit, Ridley made a strike to ultimately kill Samus. Just as any mother would protect her kin, Virginia got in the way of the strike and suffered a fatal blow. Rodney also sacrificed himself to destroy the Space Pirate flagship by igniting a large amount of Afloraltite. Ridley deserted the scene after the Afloraltite exploded and was unable to kill Samus, leaving her the only survivor of the attack.

Old Bird and Gray Voice infusing Chozo DNA within Samus

The Chozo returned to K-2L after receiving a distress signal sent by K-2L's colonists immediately before the attack. Old Bird and Grey Voice found the lone survivor and the Chozo voyagers brought Samus to their home planet, Zebes. Mother Brain, a sentient organic robot created by the Chozo, predicted that Samus's frail body could not withstand harsh life in Zebes. The Chozo hoped to evade this problem by infusing her with Chozo blood and giving her the Power Suit, a bio-mechanical suit with many weapons and functions, thus giving birth to the powerful bounty hunter popularly known in today's Metroid franchise.

Mastering the Powersuit

For several years in grueling training, Samus was taught by the Chozo their culture and their ways of battle. As a teenager, her physical attributes far surpassed those of a regular humans. However, when the time came, Samus left the Chozo to join the Galactic Federation, a organization created to bring justice in the regions of space.

The Female Hunter

When Samus arrived at the Federation Academy, her abilities exceeded the Federation's expectations. She was given even greater superhuman strength, and was issued into the Star Trackers, an organization in which one in a million officers reaches its requirements. She was placed under the order of Commander Adam Malkovich, who found great trust and faith in Samus. He always finished an order by stating "Any objections, lady?" as a symbol of trust. A few years later, however, Samus mysteriously disappeared. The period of absence is shrouded in mystery.

Documented Incidents

First Mission to Zebes

Main articles: Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission

Some time after the Space Pirates had established a power base on Zebes, the Galactic Federation hired Samus Aran to destroy Mother Brain and the Metroids the Pirates were amassing.[1] After defeating Ridley and Kraid, Samus gains access to Tourian. There, she defeated the Metroids and Mother Brain which activated a self destruct sequence. She managed to escape from Tourian but was attacked by the Pirates in orbit around Zebes and her gunship was shot down. This left her without the protection of her Power Suit with only her emergency pistol for defense and with no choice but to infiltrate the Pirates' Mother Ship.[2]

After evading the many Zebesians aboard the ship, Samus finds an ancient test left by the Chozo. Defeating it, Samus gains a more powerful suit that enables her the use of all items she had acquired on the planet. She then works her way to the top of the Mother Ship where she battles a mechanical version of Ridley. After destroying the machine, the ship's self destruct is activated, forcing Samus to steal a small Pirate vessel before the ship was destroyed.

Tallon IV Incident

Main article: Metroid Prime
Samus arrives at Frigate Orpheon.

After receiving a signal from an unidentified distress beacon, Samus tracks it back to a vessel in orbit above Tallon IV and moves to intercept it.[3] Upon her arrival she discovers the abandoned Space Pirate Frigate Orpheon, where several experiments, including the reconstruction of geoform 187, were being conducted.[4] After seeing her rival, reborn as Meta Ridley, escape the frigate to the planet's surface, Samus goes down to Tallon IV to investigate further. Once there, she learns that the planet is slowly being corrupted by the impact of a large meteor, which has caused the destruction of the Chozo Civilization on the planet.[5] She also discovers that the Space Pirates are mining the poisonous Phazon and attempting to use it for their own purposes. She interrupts their mining operations and research, and eventually learns that the source of the corruption was inside the Impact Crater, which was sealed by the Chozo before their corruption.[6] Amongst their lore, she reads that the Chozo not only foresaw the coming of a Worm,[7] but of the Entrusted One - a prophecy that points to Samus herself.[8]

Samus gathers the twelve Chozo Artifacts and opens the Impact Crater, confronting and defeating Meta Ridley in the process. Inside the crater, she encounters the source of Phazon on the planet, the Metroid Prime. She eradicates it and leaves the planet, believing her mission completed. However, the Metroid Prime survived, as Dark Samus.

Aether Incident

Main article: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Samus entering the Great Temple.

The disappearance of the G.F.S. Tyr prompts the Galactic Federation to send Samus Aran to investigate.[9] Upon arriving at the planet Aether, her ship is damaged by magnetic storms and she is stranded while the ship repairs itself. She finds the entire crew of the Tyr has been killed by unknown creatures, and their bodies have become hosts for an unknown parasitic biomass.[10] As she explores Aether, she happens across the Great Temple and fights the Alpha Splinter there, acquiring the Energy Transfer Module from it.[11] Afterwards, she meets U-Mos, the Sentinel of Aether and the leader of the Luminoth, who was protecting the final Energy Controller in the Great Temple. He explains that the impact of a cosmic object on the planet caused a division, and that, as a result, Aether exists in a state of Transdimensional Flux.[12] He beseeches her to help the Luminoth stave off their enemy, birthed of that impact, the Ing, using the Energy Transfer Module that bonded with her suit.[13] She accepts, and sets out to collect the planetary energy stolen by the Ing from the Agon, Torvus, and Sanctuary regions to save the Luminoth.

During her mission, she encounters her Phazon-powered doppelganger, Dark Samus, and engages her in combat multiple times; she also dismantles several Space Pirate operations on the planet. She finally makes her way to the top of the dark Sky Temple and kills the Emperor Ing, siphoning the last of the stolen planetary energy which causes Dark Aether to collapse. She encounters Dark Samus again as she escapes and engages her in combat, presumably destroying her, and saves the planet. Unbeknownst to Samus, Dark Samus has once again escaped. After the incident, the G.F.S. Anhur comes to the planet and helps the Luminoth rebuild. They find Phazon left behind by the Space Pirates and bring it back with them.[14]

Phazon Subjugation

Main article: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

About six months after the events occurred on the planet Aether, Samus Aran is again issued an assignment by the Galactic Federation; she is to travel to the GFS Olympus, the flagship of the Galactic Federation, for a scheduled meeting with Fleet Admiral Castor Dane and three other hunters - Rundas, an arrogant, ice-wielding hunter;[15] Ghor, a technically brilliant and kind hunter;[16] and Gandrayda, a playful, flexible, and formidable shape-shifter.[17] The four hunters are briefed on recent events - a digital Phazon virus has spread to several supercomputers dubbed as Aurora Units. During the hunters' briefing, a Space Pirate raid on the Olympus is launched via several Space Pirate Boarding Pods. The Space Pirates then launch an attack on the planet being orbited by the Olymupus; Norion, which is one of the most important military planets in the entire Galactic Federation.[18] Samus, Rundas, Ghor, Gandrayda, and the Galactic Federation give chase.

Samus sees the Leviathan falling towards Norion

On the surface of Norion, the hunters and the Federation realize that the Space Pirates have disabled several power conduits that are needed for the digital interfaces to work properly. Aurora Unit 242 suddenly indicates that a Phazon-like meteor, later revealed to be named a Leviathan, is about to crash into the planet Norion and will spread Phazon to all the planet if it is not stopped. Samus and the hunters are dispatched to restore energy to the downed power conduits; the energy conduits are needed to supply power to the generators, which in turn power an energy cannon that can be used to destroy the meteor. Samus and the hunters set off to restore power. While Samus is engaged in this task, she encounters Meta Ridley, once again resurrected by the Space Pirates. She defeats him once again and restores power to all the generators.

Once the hunters arrive at the Energy Cannon's controls, they encounter Dark Samus. She had been revived before Samus was called to the Olympus by an unseen Space Pirate battleship named Colossus.[19][20] Dark Samus utilizes her natural ability to generate Phazon and creates a Phazon blast that renders the four hunters unconscious. Samus, however, is able to remain awake long enough to fire the Energy Cannon, destroying the meteor.

One month later, Samus awakens to the sight of a female Galactic Federation Fleet trooper in front of her monitoring Samus' life signs. The trooper tells Samus that the other three hunters woke up several weeks ago. When the hunters woke up, the Federation noticed that the hunters were producing Phazon on their own as a result of Dark Samus' attack. The Federation's medical team noticed no ill effects, so they outfitted the hunters with PED Suits. The three hunters had been sent to three different planets, each significant in the eyes of the Federation, to destroy Leviathans that had impacted there. These planets were Bryyo, the Federation's primary source of fuel gel;[21] Elysia, the Federation's primary source of information;[22] and the Pirate Homeworld, the homeworld to one of the greatest enemies of the Federation.[23] The hunters had been sent out, one to each planet, but they broke off communications with the Federation soon thereafter. Samus is issued with a PED Suit similar in nature and appearance to those being worn by several squads of Federation Marines.[24] She is issued a new assignment; find and destroy the Leviathans and, if possible, discover what happened to the other hunters. Samus heads out and begins her mission.

During the mission, Samus notices something odd. She notices that the hunters each show signs of being taken over by Phazon Corruption due to using the PED suits. Each of the other hunters attacks Samus when she encounters them, and Samus is forced to terminate each one. While on the Pirate Homeworld, Samus learns that the hunters had been completely consumed by Phazon and were under the dominion of Dark Samus, accounting for their attacks on Samus. Dark Samus had even placed them in command of the Space Pirate forces on each planet.[25][26][27] After destroying each Leviathan, Samus' body becomes controlled more and more by her natural Phazon; it becomes harder and harder to stay in control while in Hypermode.

After Samus destroys each and every Leviathan, bringing an end to the Phazon on each planet, Aurora Unit 242 announces a spine-chilling discovery; there is one planet that is the source of all Phazon; Phaaze. Dark Samus has been controlling it using an Aurora Unit, Aurora Unit 313, stolen from the GFS Valhalla.[28] She has been using it to produce Leviathans within Phaaze and launch them at Federation planets. Samus explores the now-derelict Valhalla and discovers a way to travel to Phaaze; the Leviathans are capable of creating wormholes in order to reach their destinations, and the Space Pirates possess a Leviathan rigged to fly like a ship.[29] Samus is dispatched to the location while the Federation battles a Space Pirate fleet. While the Federation fleet distracts the Space Pirate forces, Samus boards the Leviathan vessel and flies to Phaaze.

Samus then arrives at the Phazon-corrupted planet and realizes that her Phazon corruption rate has exceeded above seventy-five percent over her bodily functions. Samus cannot turn back now; her ship refuses to recognize her as Samus Aran because of her high Phazon content, which prevents her from entering it. Samus ventures further and further into the more Phazon-infested region of the planet.

Once Samus arrives at a Sanctum of the Phazon core, she encounters Dark Samus once again. Dark Samus, again at dangerously high Phazon levels, engages Samus in battle. With swift and deadly blows, Samus is able to repulse her evil twin. However, Dark Samus is not completely vanquished yet; she merges with the stolen Aurora Unit 313 in a last-minute effort to eliminate Samus. Samus takes careful aim and ironically, defeats a Galactic Federation-owned machine she once could have made an alliance with. Dark Samus emerges from the downed Aurora Unit and makes one last gesture towards Samus before vanishing into a gas of Phazon, never to be seen or heard from again.

Samus quickly escapes the unstable planet and completes her objective at the cost of many Federation troopers, hunters Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda, the GFS Valhalla and many other Federation flagships, and Dark Samus's life. The source of all Phazon is finally repulsed and Phazon becomes a has-been. Phazon has been ridden of in the entire galaxy.

Metroid Homeworld

Main article: Metroid II: Return of Samus

Some time after neutralizing the threat Phazon posed, Samus is ordered to eradicate the Metroid population on the planet of SR388.[30] After battling through the numerous Metroids and other hostile creatures, she arrives in the Queen Metroid's lair and destroys the few remaining Metroids found in it. After a fierce battle with the Queen Metroid, Samus emerges victorious and completes her main objective. However, after heading towards her gunship to leave SR388, a Metroid hatches from an egg. Instead of terminating the infant Metroid, Samus takes it to the Ceres Space Colony for the Galactic Federation to conduct research on the specimen.

Return to Zebes

Main article: Super Metroid
File:Super Metroid Samus greets scientist.png
Samus hands over the last Metroid.

Shortly after departing from the Ceres Space Colony, Samus receives a distress signal indicating that it had come under attack by Space Pirates.[31][32] When she returns to the station, she finds the scientists dead and the Metroid missing. After further exploration into Ceres, Samus encounters Ridley, who is holding the Metroid. She is unable to defeat Ridley before he flees with the Metroid and activates the station's self-destruct. Samus follows the Pirates to a rebuilt Zebes to finish them off and retrieve the Hatchling.[33]

On Zebes Samus encounters several enemies she has encountered in the past, such as Kraid. New additions are also imported into the Pirate forces. After defeating Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, and Ridley, Samus gains access to a rebuilt and pulchritudinous Tourian where she discovers a host of Metroids. She later confronts the Metroid Hatchling, who has grown to a massive size; it appears to be in its adult stage. The Metroid feeds on Samus's Energy Tank and leaves her with a single unit of energy before flying off.

Once recovered, Samus works her way to Mother Brain. Though she manages to destroy Mother's containment vessel, Mother rises up from the ground with a mechanical body and fires an energy beam that is powerful enough to immobilize Samus. Before Mother is able to kill Samus, however, the Hatchling attacks, draining Mother Brain's energy. Afterwards, the Hatchling begins replenishing Samus's energy, even as it is assaulted by Mother Brain. After her energy is restored, the Metroid again tries to attack Mother Brain but is killed in the process. As a result of the Hatchling restoring Samus, all of her beam weapons are replaced by the far more powerful Hyper Beam which she uses to destroy Mother Brain. Immediately after Mother Brain is defeated, a self-destruct sequence is activated. Samus escapes, and the entire planet is demolished in the explosion.

Other Appearances

Super Smash Bros. Series

Samus has appeared in all three games of the Super Smash Bros. series. Her basic special attack is her Charge Beam, which she begins charging when the B button is pressed. She will finish charging when the B button is pressed again, or the beam is fully charged. This can then be fired by pressing B once more. She can fire Missiles, which can either home in on opponents, but with weak attack power, or fully charge them, at the expense of their homing capabilities. She also has the ability to switch to Morph Ball form temporarily in order to drop Bombs. Bombs can be used to perform 'bomb jumps' in a similar manner as the Prime series. She uses her Morph Ball form for another attack, Screw Attack, which attacks opponents while jumping highly. She also has a Grapple Beam, which can be used to grab opponents, or the edge of the stage, helping her chances of survival. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, she also gains the ability to switch between Power Suit and Zero Suit form, via her Final Smash. For her Power Suit Final Smash, Zero Laser, she fires a massive full-power beam, the power of which is so great it shatters her Power Suit, leaving her in Zero Suit form. The broken remnants of the Power Suit can then be picked up and thrown at opponents to cause a small amount of damage. To regain the Power Suit, Zero Suit Samus must utilize her Final Smash again.

Samus's Character Info


Trophy Info

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

  • Samus:
The intergalactic bounty hunter named Samus Aran. Orphaned at an early age, she was taken in and raised by the alien race known as the Chozo. The Power Suit she wears is a product of their technology. Her unique combat skills combined with her athleticism and Arm Cannon have seen her through countless missions.


Game Power Suit
Varia Suit
Gravity Suit
Metroid Samus in her Power Suit Samus in her Varia Suit --
Metroid II: Return of Samus Samus in her Power Suit Samus in the Varia Suit --
Metroid Fusion Samus in her Fusion Suit Samus in her Varia Suit Samus in her Gravity Suit
Metroid: Zero Mission Samus in her Power Suit Samus in her Varia Suit Samus in her Gravity Suit


  • Though Samus is usually portrayed with blonde hair, in the original Metroid and on a trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Samus is shown with brown hair.
  • Samus made a brief appearance in the cartoon series MAD's episode Gaming's Next Top Princess. The series parodies many icons from pop culture and other recent modern events, with Gaming's Next Top Princess focusing on Nintendo females, parodying the television series America's Next Top Model. Samus, along with Princess Peach and Zelda were the three finalists in the America's Next Top Model challenge. Samus might have won, but they did not reveal it. The cameraman, a Lakitu from the Mario series, noted Samus looked stunning without her Power Suit. She was to have a modeling picture with a Ridley but a few minutes later, she killed Ridley.


See this article's gallery page, featuring character art and screen-captures of Samus Aran.


  1. "Emergency Order Exterminate all Metroid organisms on Planet Zebes... And defeat the mechanical life form, Mother Brain." —Metroid: Zero Mission prelude (Metroid: Zero Mission)
  2. "The timing of my escape couldn't have been worse, I was attacked by Space Pirates and left nearly defenseless, stripped of my Power Suit. All I had for protection was my rather useless emergency pistol. Infiltrating the Space Pirate Mother Ship so armed may have been foolish, but I had no choice..." —Samus Aran (Metroid: Zero Mission)
  3. "Unidentified distress beacon has been tracked to a derelict space vessel in orbit above Tallon IV." —Introduction (Metroid Prime)
  4. "The reconstruction of geoform 187, code-named Ridley, was recently completed. After his defeat on Zebes, Command ordered a number of metagenetic improvements for him." —Space Pirate Data (Metroid Prime)
  5. "Unforeseen by sages, a meteor came as if from nowhere, casting a dark shadow of debris over the land with the violence of its impact. Its destructive force spent, the fallen star burned itself out rapidly, and the incident should have faded into memory...but the meteor brought with it corruption. A Great Poison burst forth into the land, a strange energy that clawed at natural life with a ferocity that seemed almost sentient. Bound by our ignorance of this phenomenon, we Chozo could only watch in horror as this dark force slowly began to spread across the surface of Tallon IV." —Chozo Lore "Meteor Strike" (Metroid Prime)
  6. "None know if our temple, the Cradle, will prove powerful enough to contain this evil forever. For now, it wraps around that abomination, cutting it off from the world above. But how can we Chozo hope for the Cradle to remain intact when that which it guards writhes in the darkness, growing always stronger? The fate of this world rests with the gathering of Artifacts we call the Cipher, but even it is not all-powerful. It is strong, yes; an enchanted whole made of twelve links. Still, it is finite in its reach, and we who guard it are slowly succumbing. Will the Entrusted One arrive before our vigilance crumbles away? That time rapidly approaches..." —Chozo Lore "Cradle" (Metroid Prime)
  7. "Many Chozo are gifted with the distant sight, and even more begin to learn it as our harmonization with the universe becomes more and more complete. We peer forwards, seeing prophecy in the ripples of the water, hearing rumors of coming days on the breath of the wind. Though we celebrate the distant sight, many of these visions are dark - the worst of the prophecies, and the most common, tells of the coming of the Worm. Born from parasites, nurtured in a poisoned womb, the Worm grows, devouring from within, until the world begins to rot. Not all prophecies come to pass, of course, but we cannot help but fear this dark portent." —Chozo Lore "Worm" (Metroid Prime)
  8. "We believe that on some far-off day, a savior will come and continue what we have begun. For that savior, we will leave our ancient weapons and armor - the soul who can gather them will be the Entrusted One, the only being who can reverse the evil that grows here." —Chozo Lore "Entrusted One" (Metroid Prime)
  9. "--- Mission File 02543 --- 8 days ago, contact with Galatic Federation trooper squad Bravo was lost. --- Contract Agreement --- Locate Federation troopers and render assistance. --- Data Confirmation --- Last transmission received from a rogue planet located in the Dasha region called Aether." —Samus Mission File (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  10. "Bioscans indicate terminated lifesigns in this trooper, and the presence of an unknown biomass with parasitic tendencies. Though the trooper's armor has been compromised, the bulk of it remains intact. Weapon systems remain online as well. Full parasitic fusion has yet to be obtained, resulting in low agility and response time." —Dark Trooper Logbook entry (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  11. "System Alert. Unknown item acquired. Alien technology has bonded to armor systems. Threat scan complete. No negative impact on suit performance." —Acquisition Data (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  12. "Long ago, a cosmic object fell to our planet, Aether, exploding with great force. A rift was torn in time and space, and a strange power flowed over the world. Where once there was once Aether, there were now two. One of light…and one of shadow, each existing in its own dimension." —U-Mos (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  13. "It was the end of peace on Aether, for a new race was born that day on the dark world…one filled with hate and terrible power. They are the Ing. The Ing are creatures of shadow and darkness, knowing nothing of peace or mercy. For decades, we stood against them…yet we now lie on the verge of defeat. When Dark Aether was born, our planetary energy was divided. Half for our world, half for theirs. Should one world gain control of this energy, the other will perish. Before you arrived, the Ing had stolen a device from us…one that collects planetary energy. With it, they have weakened our planet to the verge of collapse. But fortune smiled upon us this day, for the Energy Transfer Module…is now bonded with you. With it, you can help us…help us restore our world. You’re our only hope, Samus. Should we fall, the Ing will look to the stars for new planets to ravage and conquer. Your species could be their next victims." —U-Mos (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
  14. "After the Aether incident, the Federation sent the G.F.S. Anhur back to Aether to deal with the pirate base. Upon arrival, the crew and marines of the Anhur assisted the native Luminoth in dismantling an abandoned Space Pirate mining facility. During the operation, the crew detected the presence of Phazon. The ship’s crew investigated and collected several kilograms of ore, which would later lead to the development of the PED." —Galactic Federation Data "Anhur Incident" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  15. "Subject is a native of Phrygis, a moon of planet Bes III known primarily for ice mining. The Phrygisian ability to manipulate and generate ice has come in handy in subject’s career as a Bounty Hunter. Intel suggests he enjoys hunting, to the point where he keeps trophies from all the targets he’s successfully captured or killed in his career. Subject is proud, cocky, and arrogant, and considers himself without rivals in his field." —Galactic Federation Data "Hunter Rundas" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  16. "Subject is a veteran of the liberation war of Wotan VII. Only 6% of subject’s birth-body remains; the rest is state-of-the-art cyberware. Despite his career and heavy cybernetic modification, subject is known for his high level of empathy and compassion. Ghor is rather gentle and approaches situations logically, but is not the most skilled of fighters. Intel suggests he even has a sense of humor. Subject has often championed the weak, poor, and downtrodden, working for free or giving bounty money earned to the victims of his targets. Subject can merge his cybernetic body into larger mechanisms, including gunships and fightercraft. This merging will alter Ghor’s personality, and he will become incredibly aggressive and violent. Data indicates a high proficiency with computer infiltration and manipulation. High level of mechanical empathy with artificial intelligence." —Galactic Federation Data "Hunter Ghor" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  17. "Subject homeworld unknown. Possesses the metamorphic ability similar to the bioforms of Jovia XII. Can assume the form and abilities of most living things, including bioforms considerable larger than the subject. Scans are unable to determine subject’s age, but psych eval suggests a high degree of youthfulness. Intel suggests that bounty hunting is akin to a sport for her, one she enjoys considerably. Subject perceives the veteran Hunter Samus Aran as her chief rival, a rival she intends to surpass as soon as possible." —Galactic Federation Data "Hunter Gandrayda (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  18. "Though located on the fringe of the Federation, the planet Norion is of great importance. The military maintains a strong presence in this sector, and the base on Norion is often the first line of defense against enemies that operate outside of GF space." —Galactic Federation Data "Planet Norion" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  19. "Phazon was discovered two stellar years ago, and since that moment, Command has been driven to control it all. Two operations have been established, at tremendous cost. Both have failed, thanks to the accursed Hunter, Samus Aran. Her Federation allies now move to secure what little Phazon remains on the planet Aether. This we cannot allow. We, the crew of the battleship Colossus, swear to take that Phazon or die trying." —Space Pirate Data "Our Mission" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  20. "Our attempts to intercept the Federation ship departing Aether were unsuccessful. With them went a collection of Phazon, the first to fall into Federation hands. They foolishly left most of the Phazon behind, allowing us to quickly collect what we could. But in our haste we took more than mere Phazon. Our scanners have detected the remains of Dark Samus, who has revived herself within our Phazon storage. Surely, we are cursed. The fiendish shrew consumed all of the Phazon, then wiped out a third of the crew in a matter of minutes. Now she moves at will through the halls of Colossus, using her witchery to beguile the minds of the crew. We are unable to call for aid, and only a few of us remain to stand against her. All is lost." —Space Pirate Data "Stowaway" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  21. "Federation scouts discovered the planet Bryyo ten years ago. The planet’s alignment makes most of its surface uninhabitable; 48% of the world is always exposed to the sun, with another 48% shrouded in permanent night. The remaining 4% lies in an equatorial ring of fertile jungle, where the bulk of Bryyo’s bioforms dwell. Fuel Gel is common on Bryyo, which makes it extremely important to the Federation. The local bioforms are quite primitive, though there are ruins that indicate an advanced culture thrived on Bryyo in centuries past" —Galactic Federation Data "Planet Bryyo" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  22. "SkyTown is a network of advanced structures floating in the atmosphere of planet Elysia. Most of the base is dedicated to research, from a local to interstellar level. The powerful sensors of SkyTown provide useful military intelligence data along with research information. An Aurora Unit analyzes the vast amount of data collected by the station it is supported by the Elysians, a group of sentient mechanoids that live within the base." —Galactic Federation Data "SkyTown" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  23. "Our great leader, with the aid of our captured Aurora Unit, has discovered many of Phaaze's secrets. Dark Samus can now command the living world to send forth Phazon Seeds! She was eager to test this new power. When we heard the first world to receive this blessing was our Homeworld, we rejoiced. The Seed was sent into the void, and quickly made its way to our Homeworld. Our brethren foolishly tried to repel it, but their efforts were in vain. To think, once we were as pathetic as them! Now the deed is done, and slowly, our Homeworld becomes like Phaaze. Soon, there will be two living planets, two Phazon sources for our great leader to use as she sees fit. Soon, there will be thousands of new disciples for her to command." —Space Pirate Data "Purification" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  24. "The Phazon Enhancement Device is designed to harness the energy of Phazon minerals, originally discovered on Aether, for a new Federation weapon system. It is being tested on GF Marine battalion stationed in the Norion system. Marines can initiate an energy siphon from a supply of Phazon carried in a backpack into their armorsuits. This allows them to temporarily enhance the exoskeleton and weapon systems to their armorsuits. To date, no marines have displayed signs of “Phazon sickness." —Galactic Federation Data "Phazon Enhancement Device" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  25. "Command has received disturbing reports from Bryyo. Contact with our outpost there has been terminated. A coded bliptrans showing Commander Rundas falling in battle to Samus has arrived. Worst of all, the Bryyonian Seed has been demolished. The Hunter's might is great, and she is as efficient as ever when it comes to disrupting our operations. Our spies within the Federation tell us she travels to Elysia soon. We plan on having an appropriate welcoming party in place for her when she arrives. Commander Ghor is a very...accommodating host." —Space Pirate Data "Bryyo Falls" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  26. {{cite|The march of the Hunter continues, much to our dismay. She has smashed our line at Elysia, taking down Commander Ghor in the process. The accursed Elysian machines were no match for Aran's guns, and now the Federation has control of their spy station once again. It is only a matter of time before they find the location of the Phazon source and send their fleets to lay siege. Our great leader does not seem to mind these setbacks. If Samus comes to our Homeworld, she will find us ready.|[[Space Pirate Data "Disaster at Elysia"|Metroid Prime 3: Corruption}}
  27. "Mistress Gandrayda is the last of our leader's field commanders. We hope that she will succeed where the others have not. We hope that she will slay the wretched Hunter! Gandrayda tests our mettle often. She moves among us in our form, watching us, looking for signs of weakness. Several unfaithful disciples have been ended...violently. Those who survive will be stronger, ready for the Hunter that comes for them from the void. Gandrayda has vowed to present Aran's bloody helmet to Dark Samus as tribute. We hope she fulfills that vow!" —Space Pirate Data "Mistress Gandrayda" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  28. "The vision of our leader is vast indeed. As we prepared for war with the hated Galactic Federation, she decided she required one of their great machines to better control her living planet. We then set out to bring an Aurora Unit to Dark Samus. Bribes led us to the location of our prize: the battleship Valhalla. Crewed with green recruits on a training mission, she was ours for the taking. One of the mightiest ships in the cosmos was no match for the Phazon-powered weapons of the Colossus. We rendered Valhalla helpless, then sent raider to claim our prize. The Aurora was ours! There was no mercy for the Federation dogs. At the command of Dark Samus, we jettisoned the crew into the frigid depths of space, leaving the wreck of Valhalla as a warning to the Federation. Let them tremble before our might!" —Space Pirate Data "Taking Valhalla" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  29. "Our leader provided us with great wisdom on many subjects, including the improvement of our mighty battleship, Colossus. We followed her teachings, and turned our vessel into a ship without peer. But more work remained! Dark Samus required a mighty flagship, one to strike terror in the hearts of her enemies. The might of Colossus was not enough. She demanded more! Her solution was unique and most excellent. We took her great star-beast and fitted it with cybernetic weapon systems. Crew quarters and command consoles were placed within the beast's skull. In time, we created a mighty dreadnought, and called it Leviathan. The great leader was pleased." —Space Pirate Data "The Leviathan" (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
  30. "So, the Galactic Federation called its members to an urgent conference to find a way to overcome this menace. They quickly came to one conclusion, which was unanimous and simple...... Give Samus Aran the order to exterminate the Metroids!" Metroid II: Return of Samus Instruction Booklet, Pg 5
  31. "But, I had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when I picked up a distress signal! Ceres Station was under attack!" —Samus Aran (Super Metroid)
  32. "Just when it seemed peace and order had been restored, Samus received an emergency directive from the Galactic Federation: Emergency! Emergency! Return immediately to the Space Science Academy!" Super Metroid Instruction Booklet, Pg 5
  33. "When Samus made her way to the research facility, she found the building in ruins and the Metroid larva was nowhere to be found. Out of the darkness came a group of Zebesian space pirates and their leader, Ridley, who had the Metroid larva in tow. The pirates fled to a rebuilt planet Zebes and Samus followed them, resolving to finish them off and save the hatchling!" Super Metroid Instruction Booklet, Pg 5

Bounty Hunters
Metroid Series
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption