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Hello Metroid Wiki, you are looking at the user page of Nintendbob.

My favorite Metroid Game is Metroid Prime, followed closely by Super Metroid.

My favorite game period is Super Mario 64, which amazingly awesome, especially considering it was the first good 3D game ever.

I own and have played through every Metroid game except for pinball, which doesn't count. I even still have Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt

Feel free to ask me anything or tell me if i am doing something wrong.

Also, if I am doing something wrong or you feel that something I am doing is slightly incorrect and/or could be improved, TELL ME. I am not going to hate you and I welcome any opportunity to improve myself.

Also, I now have the capability to take screenshots of my wii. They look like the following in their raw state:

30 This user is 30 years old.

My Achievements[edit | edit source]

These are major projects which I am responsible for the creation of:

  • Metroid Prime Logbook
  • Metroid Prime Hunters Logbook
  • Rooms in Metroid Prime
    Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater

Frigate Orpheon

Air Lock · Biohazard Containment · Biotech Research Area 1 · Biotech Research Area 2 · Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma · Connection Elevator to Deck Alpha · Connection Elevator to Deck Beta (Deck Gamma Monitor Hall-Biotech Research Area 1) · Connection Elevator to Deck Beta (Map Facility-Deck Beta Conduit Hall) · Deck Alpha Access Hall · Deck Alpha Mech Shaft · Deck Alpha Umbilical Hall · Deck Beta Conduit Hall · Deck Beta Security Hall · Deck Beta Transit Hall · Deck Gamma Monitor Hall · Emergency Evacuation Area · Exterior Docking Hangar · Main Ventilation Shaft Section A · Main Ventilation Shaft Section B · Main Ventilation Shaft Section C · Main Ventilation Shaft Section D · Main Ventilation Shaft Section E · Main Ventilation Shaft Section F · Map Facility · Reactor Core · Reactor Core Entrance · Subventilation Shaft Section A · Subventilation Shaft Section B

{{Hunters Stages-nav}}

Metroid Rankings[edit | edit source]

I love all of the Metroid games, but this is how I rank them

1. Metroid Prime

2. Super Metroid (Very close)

3. Metroid Prime 2

4. Metroid Zero Mission

5. Metroid Fusion

6. Metroid Prime 3

7. Metroid 2

8. Metroid Prime Hunters

9. Metroid (sorry, but it doesn't compare to the current ones. Just too boring and difficult)

Current Project[edit | edit source]

(for my own reference)

Temple GroundsAgon WastesTorvus BogSanctuary FortressGreat TempleSky Temple GroundsDark Agon WastesDark Torvus BogIng HiveSky Temple